Living a Life of Discipline


Over time while working full time and living my life, I’ve come to realize that growing discipline and creating structure to my life has been tremendously helpful in getting more things done and staying happy.

9. To Battle Procrastination

When you realize that you should be doing something, but you feel like procrastinating, recognize the ‘resistance’ inside of you that is preventing you from accomplishing the task, laugh at it, and do it.

8. To Be Yourself

Don’t waste time trying to appeal to everyone.
Speak your truth and act upon it, even if that may garner a lot of disagreement or criticism. It is much better to be honest than to be a liar with hundreds of fake friends. People with similar mindsets and goals will naturally gather around you.

7. To Use Time Wisely

Use the past to learn and shape your present.
Focus on the present and what you can do to prepare for the future.
Tomorrow is just an extension of today. Start now instead of waiting.

6. To Maintain Integrity

There can not be results without actions taken deliberately.
Take the right path, not shortcuts.
The sum of everything you do and experience is who you become, even privately.

5. To Have Humility

Every story has an end, even yours. Inspire, not trample.
Look after yourself first before giving advice to others. Only give advice when someone explicitly asks for one.

4. To Be Correctly Selfish

Be selfish about your dreams. No one in this world can care about you more than yourself.

3. To Be Healthy

Your body and mind are your strongest tool. Exercise and keep your body in shape, but do not judge others for where they are in their journey.

2. To Desire

Every man and woman can achieve anything that they desire with self discipline and rigorous work.
Without desire, there is no motivation. Our strongest motivation comes from our enemies or inspiration from others who succeeded before us.

1. To Live A Diligent Life

Live each hour of your life as if it’ll be your last.

With these thoughts in mind, I believe that anyone can truly become great and successful. I hope that this has been somewhat helpful!

Stay safe,
